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A moving checklist is a big part of a well-planned and well-organized moving day. It can help one save time and money while also helping limit or avoid some of the stress, worry, and frustration that can arise during a big move. The best part is that each family member can chip in to help create a moving checklist that covers every room in the house.

If that checklist gets things up and running a couple of months prior to the move date as we recommend, then it can make the whole moving experience as pleasant and exciting as possible. After all, it should be fun to move! There are lots of new things to look forward to, whether one is relocating across town or across the country.

And with Smooth Move People here to assist you every step of the way, you’ll not only be prepared but you’ll also have one of the most experienced and expert moving companies in Portland helping you out! With the guaranteed lowest prices in the state, we make choosing a moving company easy too!

Let’s dig into what a moving checklist might look like. Keep in mind that this checklist is appropriate for any move, whether it’s a single room or a home with multiple bedrooms. Just keep to the schedule — beginning about two months before the actual move day — and this moving checklist will ensure that everything is covered and nothing is forgotten or overlooked.

Months Before Moving

The months leading up to your move are a good time to lay the groundwork for a smooth transition. With plenty of time ahead of you, focus on getting organized early. Here’s a list of things to think about:

  • Declutter and donate unnecessary items
  • Research movers and start getting quotes
  • Change your address with important contacts
  • Plan for pets and their transportation
  • Transfer school records if you have children
  • Find a new doctor
  • Request time off work for your moving date

woman packing suitcase to illustrate Packing Hacks For Moving Checklist The Ultimate Moving TipsDeclutter and Donate

Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter. Start by going through your home and sorting out items you no longer need or want. Consider donating clothes, old furniture, and other items that are still in good condition. This process will reduce the number of moving boxes you need to pack and lower your moving costs. Plus, decluttering can make your new home feel more organized and comfortable from the start.

Research Movers

Choosing the right moving company is one of the most important decisions you’ll make during the moving process. Start researching professional movers early by comparing services, reading reviews, and getting quotes. Smooth Move People is a full-service mover with the lowest rates in Oregon and decades of experience. Feel free to price shop, but we won’t be beaten.

Change Your Address

Updating your address is essential to ensure your important documents and mail reach your new home. Notify your bank, credit card companies, and other important contacts about your new address. This can be done online for most services, but please note that it’s a good idea to call certain organizations, such as your doctor’s office, to confirm the change.

Plan for Pets

If you have pets, it’s crucial to plan for their comfort and safety during the move. Depending on how far you’re moving, you might need to arrange transportation or temporary accommodations for them. Be sure to pack their essentials like food, bowls, and medications in an easily accessible box. You can also talk to your vet about any moving tips to help reduce stress for your furry friends or even get recommendations for a new vet if you’re moving out of town.

Transfer School Records

If you have school-age children, you’ll need to request their school records be transferred to their new school. Reach out to both the current and new schools well in advance to ensure a smooth transition. This is also a good time to get copies of any important documents or immunization records they might need.

Find a Doctor

If you’re moving to a new area, it’s essential to find a new doctor and get your medical records transferred and insurance updated. Research doctors and dentists in your new location, and schedule any necessary appointments before your move. Once you’ve selected a provider, ask your current doctor to transfer your medical records or provide a copy for you to keep.

Get Time Off Work

To ensure a smooth moving day, request time off work well in advance. You’ll likely need a few days before and after your moving date to pack, oversee the move, and settle into your new home.

Moving Checklist: Six Weeks Before Moving

With six weeks to go, it’s time to get more detailed about the move. Here’s what you should focus on at this stage:

  • Take an inventory of your belongings
  • Arrange for utilities to be transferred or connected
  • Order packing supplies
  • Update your contacts with your new address
  • If you’re moving from an apartment, measure doorways and stairs
  • Start completing minor repairs to get back your security deposit

Take Inventory

Before packing begins, it’s a good idea to take an inventory of all your belongings. This helps you stay organized and ensures that nothing gets lost in the move. Having an inventory is also essential if you need to file an insurance claim for damaged or missing items. As you pack, cross items off your list so you can keep track of everything.

Arrange for Utilities (Including Internet!)

Make sure your utilities—like water, gas, electricity, and the internet—are transferred or set up at your new home before moving day. You don’t want to arrive and realize you’re without these essentials! Contact your providers early to schedule activation or transfer services for the day you move in.

Order Packing Supplies

By now, it’s time to order packing supplies, including moving boxes, tape, and bubble wrap. Don’t forget specialty boxes, such as dish packs or wardrobe boxes. You’ll need plenty of these to ensure your items are safe and organized. Smooth Move People offers packing supplies, so if you’re packing everything, be sure to get everything you need.

Update Contacts

Notify everyone about your upcoming move, including utility companies, banks, and government agencies. You’ll also need to update your friends and family with your new address, so they can stay in touch.

Measure Doorways and Stairs

If you’re in an apartment, it’s crucial to measure doorways, hallways, and stairs to ensure your furniture can fit through them. If necessary, you may need to disassemble furniture ahead of time. Doing this now will help avoid delays on moving day, especially if you’re hiring movers to do the heavy lifting.

Complete Minor Repairs to Get Back Security Deposit

If you’re moving out of an apartment, don’t forget to complete any minor repairs. Things like patching holes in the wall, painting, and cleaning the space can help you get your security deposit back. Make a list of these tasks and take care of them well before moving day.

Moving Checklist: One Month Before Moving

At this point, you’re in the final stretch of your moving prep. Here’s what should be on your to-do list:

  • Start packing
  • Label your boxes
  • Gather your valuables
  • Change of address updates
  • Gather or forward medical records

Girl kneeling next to moving boxes to illustrate Moving Checklist and Inexpensive Moving Company PortlandStart to Pack

It’s time to start packing your non-essential items. Begin with things you won’t need before the move, like seasonal decorations or extra linens. Leave your day-to-day items for the final week, and pack them last. Label each box clearly with its contents and the room it belongs in to make unpacking easier.

Label Your Boxes

As you pack, make sure to label each box clearly. This will help you stay organized and ensure that the moving truck is packed efficiently. It’s also a good idea to label boxes containing fragile items, so they’re handled with care. Proper labeling can save you a lot of headaches during unpacking.

Gather Valuables

Set aside a safe place for valuables such as jewelry, passports, and important documents like medical records, insurance info, and birth certificates. These should be packed separately and kept with you on moving day rather than in the moving van. You don’t want to risk losing anything irreplaceable.

Change of Address

If you haven’t already, now’s the time to submit your change of address forms. This ensures that your mail and important documents are forwarded to your new home. You can also ask a neighbor or friend to collect any straggling mail until the change takes effect.

Gather or Forward Medical Records

If you haven’t done so yet, request your medical records from your current provider and ask for them to be forwarded to your new doctor. If you haven’t chosen a doctor yet, request a personal copy and ask your current doctor for a referral.

Moving Checklist: Two Weeks Before Moving

As moving day approaches, you’ll want to tackle some final preparations:

  • Fill prescriptions
  • Arrange sitters for pets or children
  • Schedule Smooth Move People for your move

Fill Prescriptions

Make sure you have enough medication to last for at least the first few weeks in your new home. Fill prescriptions now so you don’t have to worry about running out during the busy time of your move. This is also a good time to transfer any prescriptions to a new pharmacy if needed.

Arrange Sitters for Pets or Children for Moving Day

Moving can be chaotic, so it’s a good idea to arrange for someone to watch your pets or children on moving day. Having them out of the way will allow you to focus on the move and make things safer for everyone involved.

Reach Out to Smooth Move People to Schedule Your Move

If you haven’t already, contact Smooth Move People to finalize your moving date and make sure everything is scheduled. Our moving company will help ensure that all your belongings are transported safely and efficiently to your new home.

Moving Checklist: The Week of the Move

In the final week, it’s all about getting the last details in place. Here’s what you should do:

  • Finish packing
  • Defrost the freezer and empty the refrigerator
  • Organize documents
  • Pack a bag for the first few days in your new space

Finish Packing

By now, most of your belongings should already be packed. Use this week to finish up any last-minute packing and double-check that everything is labeled correctly. Make sure your packing supplies are handy in case you need them on moving day.

Defrost Freezer and Empty Refrigerator

A couple of days before your move, make sure to defrost your freezer and empty your refrigerator. This will prevent leaks and unpleasant odors from developing during the move. If possible, clean them both thoroughly so they’re ready to use as soon as you arrive in your new home.

Organize Documents

Keep all your important documents in a secure folder or envelope that you’ll take with you in your car. This includes medical records, credit cards, ID cards, and anything else you’ll need quick access to during the move. Having these documents organized will reduce stress on moving day.

Pack a Bag for the First Few Days

Pack a bag with essential items for the first few days in your new home. Include clothing, toiletries, medications, and any other daily essentials. Having a separate bag will save you from digging through boxes while you’re still settling in.

Moving Day

On moving day, focus on keeping things organized. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Supervise the movers during both loading and unloading
  • Pack important items (medications, documents, etc.) into your car
  • Double-check your inventory list
  • Complete a quick cleaning of your old place

blue movers carrying boxes to illustrate packing companies near me and moving checklistSupervision of Movers (Both Loading and Unloading)

Whether you’re using friends and family or a professional moving company, it’s crucial to supervise the loading and unloading process. Make sure items are packed properly in the moving truck and unloaded in the right rooms at your new home. This will help the move go smoothly and prevent damage to your belongings.

Packing Important Items (Medications, Documents, etc.) Into Your Car

Some items, such as medications, medical records, and important documents, should travel with you rather than in the moving truck. Pack these into your car, so they’re easily accessible and safe.

Double-Check Inventory List

Once everything is unloaded at your new home, go through your inventory list to ensure all items have arrived. Double-check that nothing is missing or damaged. If anything is broken, document the issue and report it to your moving company right away.

Complete a Quick Cleaning of the Old Place

If you’re moving from an apartment, you’ll need to do a quick clean after everything is moved out. This helps ensure you get your security deposit back. Wipe down surfaces, sweep floors, and remove any trash before leaving.

After Moving In

Even after moving day, there are still a few things to check off your list:

  • Confirm that your records and utilities have been forwarded or transferred
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Explore your new neighborhood
  • Throw a housewarming party!

Confirm All Records and Utilities Have Been Forwarded and Transferred

Once you’ve moved in, double-check that all your mail, important documents, and utilities have been transferred to your new address. Make sure nothing gets overlooked, especially bills or credit card statements.

Go Grocery Shopping

You’ll probably need to stock your new home with food and other supplies. Make a list of necessities and head to your local grocery store within the first few days.

Explore Your New Neighborhood

Take some time to explore your new surroundings. Find out where the nearest grocery store, pharmacy, and gas station are. Familiarizing yourself with your neighborhood will help you settle in more quickly.

Throw a Housewarming Party

After a week or two, once everything is unpacked and organized, celebrate by throwing a housewarming party. Invite friends and family over to see your new space and enjoy the fruits of your hard work!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When should I start planning for a move?
Ideally, start planning as soon as possible. Start researching movers and organizing at least two months before your moving date.

Can I use regular boxes for my move?
While regular boxes can be used, it’s a good idea to invest in sturdy moving boxes designed to protect your items during transit.

What should I do if something is damaged during the move?
Contact Smooth Move People immediately (if we were the mover obviously) and report the issue. Take pictures of the damage and file a claim if needed. We provide basic coverage on every move and also offer additional insurance.

How do I transfer my utilities to my new home?
Contact your utility providers at least six weeks before your move to schedule disconnection at your old home and activation at your new one.

How can I prepare my children for a move?
Involve them in the process by letting them pack their own belongings and explore the new home before moving day if possible.

What should I do with my pets on moving day?
Arrange for a pet sitter or have a friend take care of them. Moving can be stressful for pets, so keeping them out of the chaos is a good idea.

Moving takes planning. Smooth Move People is here to help! As part of your moving checklist, let us know what you need — packing materials, boxes, bubble wrap, paper, tape, labeling materials, etc. — and we’ll either provide them to you as part of our moving services or let you know how best to gather those items.

We offer professional packing services to ensure that your items will be packed thoughtfully and with care.

We can even remind you to keep a box of essentials that we’ll load last and unload first. This box can contain bath towels, toiletries, bed sheets, clothing, electronic chargers, and more.

And remember: Time flies! Two months may seem like a long time, but the days will go by quickly, especially since there’s so much to do.

But don’t stress. Smooth Move People has you covered.

Get in touch with us today!

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